Adams, Jonathan
Research Interests:
Artificial Intelligence, synthetic media Unmanned Aerial SystemsInteractive Software Design and Development Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Bailey, Rachel L.
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
media psychology, health communication, motivated mediated extended cognition
Barton-Hulsey, Andrea
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems (AAC), Reading development
Betts-Green, Dawn
Adjunct Professor
Research Interests:
Information seeking behaviors of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning) youth, LGBTQ young adult and...
Bhasuran, Balu
Visiting Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
I am a researcher focuses on Information extraction and Machine learning in Clinical data science and Biomedicine. I...
Bruker, Malia
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Documentary History, Theory & Practice; Documentary/Fiction Hybridity; Experimental Filmmaking; Documentary Ethics; Documentary Editing; Documentary Cinematography; Social Change; Cinematic...
Bunz, Ulla
Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Student & Academic Affairs
Research Interests:
Internet Use, Digital Divide, Social Media, Big-5 Personality, Well-Being
Burnett, Gary
Research Interests:
Social Context of Information Behavior; Theory of Information Worlds; Hermeneutics and Textuality
Burnett, Kathleen
F. William Summers Professor
Research Interests:
Social Informatics; Gender, Race, and Ethnicity and IT; Disciplinary Identity
Bush, Erin
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Qualitative Research Methods in Communication Disorders; Acquired Neurogenic Disorders; Communication and Community after Brain Injury
Catts, Hugh
Professor, SCSD
Research Interests:
Language/Literacy and Reading Disorders: Early Identification and Prevention of Language-Based Reading Disabilities
Chapa, Sindy
Associate Professor & Director of the Hispanic Marketing Center
Research Interests:
Advertising Strategies targeting the Latino Communities in the U.S. Gender and Advertising, Political Advertising, Advergames
Chatmon, Christy
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
STEM Education; Information Technology; K-12 Pathways; Active Learning Pedagogy
Clayton, Russell B.
Distinguished and Endowed Provost McKenzie Professor
Research Interests:
Media Psychology; Health Communication; Tobacco Messaging; Persuasion; Psychophysiology; Experimental Methods
Constantino, Christopher
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Stuttering, Identity, Neurodiversity, Therapy
Cortese, Juliann
Associate Professor, Director of Master's Studies
Research Interests:
eHealth; Health Informatics; Online Tailoring; Media Use and Effects; Hypermedia Learning; Internet Use
Crass, Kimberlee
Teaching Faculty II, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, NSSLHA Faculty Advisor
Research Interests:
Family-centered intervention, Literacy development in children with hearing loss, Listening and Spoken Language development
Dale, Katherine
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Positive Media Psychology, Media Effects; Intergroup Interaction
Deason, Jinger
Graduate Program Director - Distance Learning; Clinical Placement Coordinator; Teaching I
Escobar, Kristie
Adjunct Faculty
Research Interests:
Information Needs of Young Adults, Older Adults and IT, Information Needs of Student Veterans
Everhart, Nancy
Research Interests:
Impact of Technology on the Leadership Role of the School Librarian; Evaluation of School Media Library Centers; Persons...
Farquharson, Kelly
Associate Professor; Director, Children's Literacy and Speech Sound (CLaSS) Lab
Research Interests:
speech sound disorders, literacy acquisition, classroom success for children with communication impairments
Ferchaud, Arienne
Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Studies
Research Interests:
Media Effects; Emerging Media Entertainment; Narrative Theory
Gibradze, Leila
Information and Information Technology Librarian, Assistant Director of Innovation Hub
Research Interests:
International Librarianship, Information Services
Gross, Melissa
Research Interests:
Information seeking behavior; information literacy; library program and service evaluation; information resources for youth, social services in libraries
Guynes, Kristen
Teaching Faculty II
Research Interests:
Educational Sign Language Interpreting, Deaf Education, ASL
Hall-Mills, Shannon
Associate Professor; Graduate Program Coordinator (TLH Campus)
Research Interests:
Language/Literacy and Reading Disorders; Written Language Development and Assessment; Evidence Based Practices in Schools; School-Age Language and Literacy...
He, Zhe
Associate Professor & Director for the Institute for Successful Longevity
Research Interests:
Dr. He has broad interests in biomedical and health informatics, clinical research informatics, knowledge discovery, and ontology-based data...
Hinnant, Chris
Director, School of Information & Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Social and Organizational Informatics, Digital Government, Data Science, Information Policy, Technological Innovation, Science and Technology Management
Houck, Davis
Fannie Lou Hamer Professor of Rhetorical Studies
Research Interests:
Rhetorical Criticism; Presidential Rhetoric; the Black Freedom Movement; Historiography and Archival Research; Mediated Representations of Sport
Jones, Faye
Faculty Researcher II
Research Interests:
STEM Pathways, CTE Pathways, Employment Outcomes, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Information Science, & Engineering (CISE)
Jordan Jackson, Felecia F.
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Interpersonal Communication; Verbal Aggression; Interracial Communication: Trait-like Cultural Communication; Perceptions and Effects on Relationships Development; Communicating and Coping...
Kazmer, Michelle
Professor & Dean
Research Interests:
Detective fiction; Health research; Qualitative methods
Kelly, Kelly
Teaching Faculty
Research Interests:
Storytelling and social change; Promotional Strategy and Culture; Media Framing and Agenda Setting in traditional and mass mediated...
Kim, Yunjung
Professor, Doctoral Program Coordinator
Research Interests:
Speech Science, Motor Speech Disorders, Foreign Accents
Lansford, Kaitlin
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Motor-Speech Disorders; Disordered and Degraded Speech Perception; Perceptual Learning; Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Latham, Don
Research Interests:
Information literacyInformation behavior of young adultsNonfiction resources for young adultsYoung adult literaturePolicy on Conducting Surveys: The College of...
Laurents, Michelle
Teaching Professor
Research Interests:
Public Communication, Communication Apprehension, Conflict Resolution, Pop Culture and Music
Lee, Jaejin
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Consumer Behavior; Branding, Strategic Marketing Communications; Cause-related Marketing; Social Marketing, New Media; Health Communication
Lustria, Mia Liza A.
Research Interests:
The overall goal of my research is to explore innovative approaches that can improve individual and population health...
Madden, Elizabeth B.
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Language processing in aphasia; Rehabilitation of alexia and agraphia post-stroke; impact of aphasia on friendships of people with...
Mardis, Marcia A.
Professor; Director, FSU Information Institute
Research Interests:
Community Disaster Resilience; Technician Education; Professional Identity; K-12 STEM; Broadband; Educational Informatics
McDowell, Stephen D.
Assistant Provost
John H. Phipps Professor of Communication
Research Interests:
Media Policy; New Media; International Communication; Internet Governance; South Asian Media; Intercultural Communication
Merle, Patrick
Associate Professor, School Director
Research Interests:
Scientific Public Relations; Crisis and Risk Communication; International Media; Experimental research; Pedagogical reflections
Metcalfe, Shuyuan
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Trusted human-computer interactions; trustworthiness attribution; computer-mediated deception; collective intelligence; deepfakes; cyber forensics; cyberbullying; sociotechnical systems
Mon, Lorri
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Government Information; E-Government; Digital Libraries; Social Media; Virtual Worlds; Virtual Information Services
Montgomery, Tricia
Teaching III Faculty, Director of Clinical Education & Director - FSU Speech & Hearing Cli
Research Interests:
Clinical and Distance Education, Preschool and School-Age Language and Literacy Development and Disorders, Evidence-Based Practices in Schools, Early...
Morris, Richard
Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty Advancement
Research Interests:
Voice and Acoustics Laryngeal Biomechanics; The Singing Voice; Acoustic and Physiologic Phonetics; Therapeutic Communication and Counseling; Gerontology and...
Ngampornchai, Anchalee
Associate Director for Assessment and Articulation
Research Interests:
Instructional design, online learning, intercultural communication competence, media representation of culture
Nimmons, Ellen M.
Teaching Faculty III, Clinical Faculty Instructor
Nudd, Donna Marie
Research Interests:
Radical Performance; Adaptation (film, theatre, radio); Feminist Criticism; Pedagogy
Opel, Andy
Research Interests:
Documentary History, Theory and Production; Environmental Communication Campaigns; Connections Between the Environment, the Media and Consumer Culture
Park, Min Sook
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Health informatics, health information seeking, data science, STEM education
Proffitt, Jennifer
Theodore Clevenger Professor in Communication
Research Interests:
Political Economy of Communications; Media Industries and Production Processes; Mass Communication History and Regulation; Media Law and Policy;...
Randeree, Ebrahim
Associate Dean, Finance & Administration
Research Interests:
My research interests are in the areas of technology adoption and diffusion, k-12 pathways, STEM pathways, strategy, social...
Ray, Elizabeth
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Public Relations, Health Communication, Media Effects, Persuasion, Political Communication
Reist, Aimee
Managing Director and Instructional Specialist III
Romano, Mollie
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Embedded interventions for infants and toddlers, coaching caregivers and professional development for providers, early communication development
Saludo, Ren
iSchool Emerging Technologies Librarian, Assistant Director of Design and New Technologies
Sasser, Linda
Teaching III, Clinic Faculty, Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Auditory Verbal Th
Shao, Ruosi
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Artificial Intelligence, Health Communication, Human-Computer Interactions
Snowden, Selena
Teaching Faculty III, Director of Audiology Services
Research Interests:
Hearing Loss: Perceptions of Perceived Risk of Hearing Loss; Hearing Conservation Measures in Children and Adolescents; Effects of...
Stahlman, Gretchen
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Data curation; scholarly and science communication; knowledge organization; science studies; human information behavior
Stvilia, Besiki
Research Interests:
Data Quality, Data Curation, Computational Social Science, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Graphs, Research Information Management, Social Informatics
Sullivan, Margaret
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Health information seeking of stigmatized populations, health literacy, information literacy, health information access as a human right
Therrien, Michelle
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Dr. Therrien's research interest is connection building. Her current work focuses on supporting social interaction and friendship for...
Tibi, Sana
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Literacy, dyslexia, cognitive processes of reading
von Hollen, Lucas
Teaching Faculty I
Research Interests:
Entertainment psychology, User experience design, Human interaction development
Wendorf Muhamad, Jessica
Associate Professor, Director PEAKS Research Laboratory
Research Interests:
Hypervulnerable populations and health disparities; Participatory methodology and mixed methods approach; Applied Communication; Systems and systems thinking/approach; Communication...
Westmoreland, Jennifer
Teaching Faculty I, Clinical Instructor
Wood, Carla
Professor, School Director
Research Interests:
Multilingual learners with and at risk for disabilities
Xie, Zilong
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Speech Perception, Aging, Cochlear Implants, Auditory Plasticity, Electroencephalography
Yang, Yin
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Media Effects (Narrative Persuasion, Emotions); Health Communication (Women's Health, Stigma and Health, Health Inequities); Environmental Communication