Office Of the Dean
The Office of the Dean is located on the fourth floor of University Center C at Doak Campbell Stadium in room C4115. Some of it's facilities include the Advising Center, the CCI Help Desk and Seminole Productions.

School of Communication
The School of Communication supports specialized faculties to support a variety of professional development, research, educational and enrichment needs. It consists of the University Center C, University Center D, and the Diffenbaugh Building.
Its facilities include WVFS, or V89, FSU’s student FM radio station and The Media Production program Seminole Productions among others.

School of Information
The School of Information resides primarily in the Louis Shores Building, with classes taught in HCB and the newly-renovated William Johnston Building. The College’s Help Desk is located in Shores as well and provides students and faculty with IT assistance and access to high-performance workstations and software.

School of Communication Science & Disorders
The Warren Building is the home of the School of Communication Science & Disorders and The L.L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic. Located inside is the School's hearing clinic, speech and language clinic, and graduate student learning and clinic preparation classrooms. There are also faculty offices and numerous research labs on the upper floors. The Warren Building also houses the FSU Veterans Specialty Clinic to treat speech and hearing disorders that often accompany traumatic head injuries in combat.
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