Research Experiences
Developing expertise by uncovering new knowledge.
The Faculty of the Future assist students in building skills to answer unique questions.

Shuyuan Ho
"My research is to look at trusted human computer interactions and cyber threats like computer mediated deceptions"
Associate Professor, School of Information

Russell Clayton
"It's rewarding to see the "A-ha!" Moment when they see a response we predicted would occur."
Assistant Professor, School of Communication

Sindy Chapa
"The mission for the center is to create knowledge and educate students and professionals in the topics that can help us to understand Hispanic consumer behavior and Hispanic marketing communication."
Director, Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication

Elizabeth Madden
"I am interested in work with individuals with aphasia to help them regain some of their language skills that had been affected by a stroke."
Assistant Professor, School of Communication Science & Disorders

Zhe He
"The iSchool teaches students the important interactions between humans, technology and information."
Assistant Professor, School of Information

Paul Marty
"I provide time and opportunity for students to interact with each other. It enables them to get real-life team experience in the classroom to build upon what they've learned."
Professor, School of Information

Michelle Kazmer
"I can bring my students in to the co-creation of knowledge, so they really understand what it means to learn new things about IT and how it's used out there in the world."
Professor, School of Information

Richard Morris
"In order to be a good clinician one needs good critical thinking skills to know how to take decisions that are going to help our patients change their communication skills as quickly and as thoroughly as possible because they are coming to us because they want change. "
Professor, School of Communication Science and Disorders